10 Tips on Increasing Your Chances of Getting a Scholarship Award

Krishn Veer Singh
8 min readFeb 19, 2024

Are you an Indian student willing to pursue your studies further? Are you concerned about the financial aspects of pursuing your studies? Are you clueless about the avenues and the relevant scholarship opportunities on offer? Then, scholarship schemes offered by public and private organisations are the way to go in achieving your academic aspirations without incurring financial burden.

The government of India has disbursed approximately an amount of ₹1,360 crore in the form of scholarship awards to students through the National Scholarship Portal (NSP) in the financial year 2022–23. Furthermore, there are 150 scholarship schemes listed on the NSP portal and it has invited 135.17 lakh scholarship applications. However, out of these numerous applications, only a handful of applicants are selected for scholarship programmes.

Applicants may be wondering about ‘ how to improve their chances of securing a scholarship award.’ To enhance the likelihood of receiving scholarship assistance in India, there are effective strategies tailored to the Indian scholarship landscape. Interested applicants are advised to pursue these strategies earnestly.

Increase Your Chances of Getting a Scholarship: 10 Tips for Success

Whether a student is planning to pursue their pre-matric, post-matric, undergraduate, or postgraduate studies, or research programmes for that matter, scholarship programmes on offer can indeed alleviate the financial burden. The following important tips can extend a helping hand in increasing the chances of securing a scholarship award:

Knowing the Scholarship Landscape

A diverse range of scholarship opportunities are available in India. They are offered by the government, non-government, corporate, and institutional bodies. These scholarship programmes cater to students hailing from different socio-economic backgrounds, and pursuing their studies at different academic levels.

For instance, if a scholarship programme has been launched by the government of Uttar Pradesh for students domiciled in the state of Uttar Pradesh, then other candidates from other states domiciled elsewhere will not become eligible. Therefore, knowing the scholarship programme, and eligibility criteria including other requirements is an important prerequisite.

Research Diligently and Plan Accordingly

Applicants must pursue comprehensive research by following the steps listed below:

  • Identification of scholarship programmes in due alignment with the eligibility criteria, academic pursuits, socio-economic background etc.
  • Regularly visiting the different scholarship portals and platforms viz. National Scholarship Portal (NSP), Portals of the State Governments, websites of the NGOs and private organisations that offer scholarship opportunities including the print media such as newspapers, magazines etc.
  • Browsing and researching credible and official publications of government bodies and entities, educational websites, and scholarship databases for relevant information on available scholarship, fellowship, and internship opportunities.

Fulfilling the Eligibility Criteria

Each scholarship programme comes with unique eligibility criteria. They may include the following:

The list is not exhaustive and the applicants must review all of these requirements carefully and ascertain whether they meet the eligibility criteria.

Interested applicants must remain focused on maintaining academic excellence. Usually, every scholarship opportunity comes with the requirement of minimum marks criteria. Getting involved in community service programmes, displaying leadership skills, and pursuing extracurricular activities provide an edge in the overall profile. Due attention must be paid to these aspects of the profile of a candidate.

Also Read: Scholarship Application — Key Mistakes to Avoid While Filling the Application Form

Following the Guidelines and Instructions

Upon finding a suitable scholarship programme, it becomes extremely important to follow the scholarship guidelines and adhere to the instructions carefully. Before applying for the scholarship programme, applicants must verify the terms and conditions. They must read and understand the scholarship guidelines before applying and submitting their application.

For example, some scholarship programmes allow offline application through the postal route only, and sometimes scholarship providers ask applicants to submit an introduction of their profile beforehand within a given word limit. Similarly, some scholarship applications require submission of the application in a special format involving a specific font style, particular font size and colour, double spacing, etc. and therefore adherence to the specific guidelines and instructions must be paid due attention.

Beginning Early with the Application

Applicants should begin the application process as early as possible. It allows sufficient time and space for rectification and improves the chance of securing the scholarship award. Some of the underlying aspects become important in this context:

  • Staying watchful of the available opportunities and the deadline
  • Reviewing the eligibility criteria and verifying if it is correctly aligned
  • Gathering all the required documents with necessary approval by the competent authorities
  • Ensuring submission well before the application deadline

Following the Correct Process of Application

A correct and well-crafted scholarship application increases the chance of getting a scholarship award. The application that includes the correct details makes it stand apart.

How to Submit the Required Details in the Scholarship Application Form Correctly?

Submitting the required details in a scholarship application form accurately is crucial as far as increasing your chances of success is concerned. Therefore, applicants must begin by carefully verifying their personal information, academic records, and contact details for the sake of accuracy. Candidates must give due attention to the requirements of any additional documents or essays while ensuring that they meet the specified criteria. Proofreading the application before submission ensures the redressal of errors or inconsistencies. Following these steps becomes important:

  • Exploring the official website of the scholarship provider for additional information.
  • Paying due attention to application guidelines and documentation requirements.
  • Seeking attestation and approval of the documents with the signature of the required authority.
  • Seeking support through the helpline number mentioned on the website of the scholarship provider
  • Proofreading with the support of seniors, mentors, and teachers including the previous beneficiaries.

It must be pointed out that ensuring clarity and coherence makes a case for a win-win situation.

Also Read: 10 Tips to Prepare for Scholarship’s Personal Interview Round

Highlighting the Financial Need

Most of the scholarship opportunities in India are based on the requirement of means, merit-cum means, income etc. They are focused on catering to students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. Students must ensure to provide accurate details about required expenditures, family income, or any extraordinary circumstances for that matter. It increases the chances of securing the much-needed scholarship assistance and improves the outcome in favour of the applicants. Submission of supporting documents such as income certificates, affidavits, and bank statements substantiate the claims and demonstrate the genuine financial need of the applicants.

Verifying the Details

Once the applicants have filled in the details required in the application form, they should ask their peers, mentors, teachers/faculties, or seniors to cross-check the details. They must repeatedly ensure verification of the application details. This will help reduce the chances of getting a scholarship application rejected.

Applying for Multiple Scholarship Programmes

Applying for one scholarship programme may not be enough. More is always better. It is better to apply for multiple available opportunities simultaneously. Applying for more than one eligible opportunity should be adopted as a practice so that it increases the probability of securing the benefits available under at least one of these scholarship opportunities.

Being Aware of Scams and Fraudulent Practices

According to a report by The Indian Express, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has registered a First Information Report (FIR) regarding a suspected scam involving minority scholarship programmes. Allegedly, 830 institutions falsely claimed benefits under the scheme, resulting in a loss exceeding 144 crore to the Ministry of Minority Affairs during the financial year 2017–18 and 2021–22.

With time, scholarship scams are also becoming a genuine threat to sincere applicants. Against such a scenario, applicants must rely on the information provided on official websites and genuine scholarship platforms. One should verify its authenticity and trustworthiness.

How to Avoid Becoming a Victim of Scholarship Scams?

To reduce the chances of becoming a victim of scammers, applicants should adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Invest time in researching scholarship opportunities available on trusted and authentic websites and online platforms.
  • Do not respond to unsolicited phone calls, emails, or messages offering scholarship programmes.
  • Verify if the scholarship provider is a renowned brand, NGO, or government agency.
  • Most of the scholarship opportunities provide a free application form. Any application fee associated with the application process for a scholarship raises doubt about the authenticity of the programme itself. However, some of the international scholarship programmes meant for PhD or research purposes may charge an application fee under specific circumstances.
  • Do not provide personal or confidential information such as credit card details, ATM PIN, passwords, passbook details, or other personal information to any scholarship provider.
  • Always seek guidance from trusted educators or other scholarship beneficiaries.

Also Read: Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV) Admission Process: A Complete Guide

FAQs: Increase Your Chances of Getting a Scholarship

How can I increase my chances of getting a full scholarship?

Ans. Increasing your chances of securing a full scholarship requires adequate planning backed by diligent effort. Some of the effective strategies as already mentioned above include researching extensively, and exploring multiple scholarship opportunities available in alignment with the interests, and background. Maintaining a strong academic performance and getting involved in extracurricular activities create a conducive ground for securing a full scholarship.

Is it possible to get 100% scholarship benefits?

Ans. Yes, applicants do get 100% scholarship assistance. There are many government and private organisations that offer scholarship support for full tuition fees for pre-matric and post-matric levels of studies including others.

What is the minimum percentage required for the scholarship programme?

Ans. Every scholarship programme has different percentage requirements. However, to be on the safer side students should have secured at least 60% in their examination to increase their chances of getting scholarship benefits.

Can I get more than 1 scholarship?

Students can apply for more scholarship programmes simultaneously. However, they have the option to select the best among the offered opportunities. In other words, they can avail of only one scholarship benefit at a time.

How can I get a scholarship?

Ans. Interested seekers are advised to refer to the instructions and guidelines carefully, apply well before the deadline, verify and fulfil the eligibility criteria, get their documents ready, and provide authentic details to win scholarship awards. For more help, check the tips listed above in the article.

Is it difficult to get a scholarship?

Ans. To get a scholarship, students need to be very careful and follow the guidelines when filling out the application form.

Can EBC category students get scholarships?

Ans. Yes, EBC (Economically Backward Class) category students can qualify for scholarships provided by government and non-government organisations. The eligibility criteria must consider family income, academic performance, and social category factors.

What is the application fees for scholarships?

Ans. The scholarship application fees can vary according to the scholarship program, the organisation offering the scholarship, and the region as per the availability. In most of the cases, scholarships do not have an application fee or minimal application fees.

Originally published at https://www.buddy4study.com on February 19, 2024.

